Saturday, December 1, 2007

All right, all right. I missed you, too.

I never know when to use the comma with "too." But it seems like I should. Know, that is.


Ok, I'm going to get better about this. Here I am, a young lady of 31 who has been writing in some sort of diary--online or otherwise--since I was in high school. But sometimes it feels strangely liberating not to write stuff down, like I'm breaking a rule and I know better but it kinda feels good anyway. But the rest of the time it feels lazy and like I haven't digested anything because I've not committed it to the internet for any random stranger to read.

So what does Oprah do when she wants to reward her loyal audience? She secretly invites them to her Favorite Things taping. And the people shit their pants. Well, guess what? You're [not] get[ting] a car! And you're [not] get[ting] a car! And you're [not] get[ting] a car! It's Cambria's Favorite Things [Lately] episode!

Only because it 's deceptively simple to make, and as long as you cover the cracks on the top with chocolate ganache (and you know I did), people will hoist you onto their shoulders and boyfriend's parents will hug you approvingly. I made a raspberry cheesecake with Oreo crust and the above-mentioned chocolate ganache for Thanksgiving, which I spent with Chris's family at his sister's house. They loved it, and they loved me. Perhaps there is a causal relationship there, perhaps not.

I finally used my birthday spa gift card from Chris and got an hour-long massage on Thursday. Sweet sassy molassy, that was a great hour. Turns out, I'm a little tense along the shoulders and perhaps around the thumbs (?) because she--Bonnie the masseuse, who bore a uncanny resemblance to Barbara Streisand--kept pulling at my thumbs. If you are ever stuck on what to get someone, get them a massage. Except for the laser leveler I am asking for for Xmas, it's about the best gift I can think of.

Cormac McCarthy
Both The Road and No Country for Old Men are remarkable books. The Road made me cry; I've read a lot of McCarthy and tears have never been an emotion that his books have moved me to. No Country for Old Men is well done and deftly crafted; the same ingredients and characters would have fallen flat--or even corny and trite--in lesser hands.

Lars and the Real Girl
I never cared much for Ryan Gosling, but this movie made me a believer. He is just outstanding. The movie also has Emily Mortimer, best known (and loved) to me as "I have hollow bones" from 30 Rock.

Comedic Karma
My sister has a rule never to make fun of people for the things they do because it almost certainly certifies you will end up doing the same thing when in a similar situation. I am finding that to be true. I always used to make fun of my friends for having to call their boyfriends or husbands every night when they were away from them. And yet suddenly that makes complete sense. And I feel like the season of comedic karma is just beginning for me. Should be fun. It's like schadenfreude on yourself.

I've decided to start really cooking again. I think it helps to have someone to cook for/with, because it always seemed like too much of a hassle to cook for one and then eat the leftovers for the next week. So, if you're hungry, I will cook for you. It'll be like an experiment. I even bought a small food processor and a hand mixer. It's on, sucka. The soup, that is.

The Dollar Store
I had forgotten the joys of the dollar store. Which is somewhat odd because my dad works in the corporate office of a certain dollar-store chain. But you can buy the whole store for like $50. God bless America. And packs of gift bags, 3 for $1.


amanda said...

I have been a Gosling believer since Stay. Since then, I've also loved him in The United States of Leland and Half Nelson (the latter is truly fantastic).

I'll take you up on your cooking offer when I'm there in a few weeks. You make the food and I'll make the hot toddies?

Anonymous said...

Will you cook for me if I visit in March for SXSW?