Monday, October 8, 2007

When the sky ain't the only thing falling.

I took my Little Sis out for pizza tonight. Originally we were going to have a picnic at the park, but then it rained in the morning and got steamy in the afternoon, so that no longer felt like a fun outing. Plan B = pizza, which I believe is a universal truth. It should always be Plan B; it always works.

Anyway, at the pizza joint I went to get a drink refill and to get some crackers for my LS. Walking back to the table, I tripped on the step. I stumbled forward and went down hard on one knee, but did not fall all the way to the floor and did not spill a drop of my drink. It was a loud fall, though. But none of that matters, because falling in public is A) deeply funny when it happens to someone else, and B) deeply embarrassing when it happens to you. My LS giggled a little, and I tried to play it off like it was no big deal (kinda like what I did when I slid head-first into someone's cube at work 2 months ago).

Me: At least I didn't spill my drink!
LS: [shaking her head] I thought you were going to fall and crack your head.

Like the person whose cube I tripped and fell into, LS reacted like I was constantly doing these things for attention and that she wished I would just cool it for a minute. I do love physical comedy, so.

My knee is killing me. Maybe it's time to hang of the vaudeville and move to dramatic monologues.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Eek. Knee stories make me cringe. After my knee surgery in high school, I couldn't even watch someone run without getting the creeps up and down my leg. I have nightmares about damage to my knees. Hope you're feeling okay.


Kisses to you.