Sunday, July 22, 2007

Managing expectations.

This weekend my sister Kelly had a date. First one in a while, because it's kind of hard to be in the scene with a 6-year-old. Upon learning of Kelly's date, her daughter/my niece said, "I might be getting a new daddy!"

On Saturday I had a date downtown at the Museum of Art. Upon learning of this, George Michael (cat, not pop star) said, "I might be getting a new daddy!"

Turns out, no one is getting a new daddy any time soon, but expectations are being managed a little better.

As for me, I will give points for the date location (great photography exhibit going on at the museum right now), but I must deduct points for the black-and-white checked Vans with ankle socks. Culture giveth, and culture taketh away.

But besides and around that, a great weekend. Friday night dinner for Beth's birthday at Billy's, which is one of my favorite places in town for a veggie burger. Saturday night dinner with Alexis, her mom, Tim, Kathy, and Ron. Sunday trip to the mall with Little Sister, where I let her order Dippin Dots because they are the ice cream of the future. Or an overpriced sham. One or the other. Fill in the rest of the time with The Deathly Hallows, and you've got yourself a weekend, my friend.

1 comment:

amanda said...

ahh yes the checkered vans. i dated that guy. he showed up to our first date wearing a multicolored plaid jacket (as a joke).