Saturday, July 14, 2007

The kindness of strangers.

Whereas a dog never forgets a kindness, a cat never remembers them; instead, he will tip your glass of water into your bath and pretend it's a plugged-in hairdryer.

Whereas a dog will take up all the room in your bed, a cat will wait until you are vulnerably sleeping and then suddenly pounce on your face with all the fury of hell, fangs and claws first.

Sometimes I think I should get GM his own pet cat to bully. But mostly I am afraid they will form a rogue gang and straight-up murder me.

Someone: Will I ever get the life I thought I was going to get?
Someone else: No one gets the life they think they were going to get.


Anonymous said...

What was the life you expected to get?

Or by life in this one do you mean 'cat'?

CL said...

I didn't expect to be (contniually) scarred by a cat at age 30. I didn't expect to be living in a state of low-grade fear over a 7-lb feline roommate, I'll tell ya that much.